People who have worked with air operated diaphragm pumps may have experienced how it is when there is a pump failure and a spill occurs. Firstly, it’s messy and not easy to clean up. Often, workers will throw on some kitty litter or oil-dry to absorb the liquid, then shovel it into a waste container. This is more difficult to do when the spill is of hazardous waste, as it must be sent off and treated before disposal, which adds up the cost on top of the losses caused by the waste. Fluids such as paints, adhesives, oils, chemicals, pesticides, preservatives, and mercury may incur additional disposal fees or fines, and losing fluids such as drugs, foods, precious metal passed fluids, cosmetics, and perfumes, alcohol, blood and cyatonic based paints can be very costly for the manufacturer. Here are some tips on how to prevent such spills from happening:
Install A Regulator In Your Diaphragm Pump
Regulators control the amount of airflow into the pump, regulating the stroke speed. When airflow is regulated properly, it prevents excessive pressure causing the diaphragm to burst, and extends the lifespan of the diaphragm. Regulators are so important and the best solution to add to diaphragm pumps, but they rarely are. However, it would be extremely worth the investment to prevent your pump from bursting, as pumps are expensive to replace. These regulators could mean significant savings on future replacements, and also on energy costs as it makes your pump run efficiently.
Use A One-Piece Diaphragm
There are standard diaphragms, and there are one-piece diaphragms. One-piece diaphragms are designed with dimples which allow the diaphragm to roll with excessive pressure. This allows them to last much longer than the normal diaphragms.
Avoid Running The Pump Dry
Also known as deadheading, this is a situation that occurs when the pump’s discharge is closed, either due to a blockage in the line or an inadvertently closed valve. It causes the pump to go to its maximum shut-off head, quickly causing overheating and potential damage to the pump.
Select The Right Pump For Your Needs
A standard pump cannot be used for all applications. You would need to select the right pump for your usage based on the fluid properties, the processes, and the limitations of the pump you are employing for your job. For example, thick fluids cannot be moved with a standard duty pump, as the fluids tend to build upon the diaphragms and eventually cause failure. You can also consider containment duty pumps for processes where you simply cannot afford a spill. While these pumps do not prevent ruptured diaphragms, they do contain spilled fluids.
For recommendations on what pump you should use, do contact Carter Pump for consultation. With over 75 years of experience, you can be sure that you are in good hands. We would be able to recommend you the best existing pump for your needs, what you can do to ensure the pump’s longevity, and even customize a solution for you where necessary. Speak to us today!