It is difficult to over stress the importance of wastewater treatment. Just in a typical day, all the processes that humans created such as manufacturing and even just our daily living activities like bathing and cleaning, we produce so much waste water as a species. Humans do have a responsibility to ensure that our large quantities of wastewater is properly treated, in order to reduce negative environmental impact, as well as causing harm to animals, and even humans ourselves. That is why we need to educate ourselves on the existing wastewater treatment standards followed by exemplary septic systems all over the nation.
Facts And Figures
According to the EPA, approximately 34 billion gallons of wastewater is processed by wastewater treatment facilities in the United States every single day. About 25 per cent of homes in the United States treat their wastewater locally using their own septic systems. Without proper guidelines, this wastewater may not all be treated to the same standards.
Harm To The Environment
Improperly treated wastewater can cause significant harm through pollution of bodies of water, such as rivers and lakes, most of which eventually lead to the ocean. This wastewater, which contains high levels of nutrients from agricultural runoff and other sources, can create “dead zones” in the ocean, where aquatic creatures cannot survive due in large part to large amounts of nitrogen in the water. But an even larger threat to our environment is waste water containing our own human feces, which contains trillions of microbes intended to aid digestion in the large intestine, but which may also cause or carry diseases.
Wastewater Treatment Standards You Must Know
There are several different standards that it would benefit you to know about.
Microbiological Water Purifiers (NSF P231-2003)
Ultraviolet Microbiological Water Treatment Systems (NSF/ANSI 55-2017)
These two standards lay out the requirements needed to eliminate dangerous microorganisms from your wastewater. These microorganisms include bacteria, as well as others such as Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts. Do take note, however, that these standards are not intended to make water potable or drinkable, however it is merely to ensure the wastewater can safely be returned to the environment.
Membrane Bioreactor Systems (AWWA B130-2018)
The above standard offers the necessary specifications for water treatment systems and septic systems, as well as outlines the process of water reclamation. This is noteworthy because the water reclamation mentioned here does involve turning wastewater into potable water, or drinking water.
Drinking Water Distillation Systems (NSF/ANSI 62-2017)
Once drinking water standards have been achieved, this particular standard is focused on providing the steps needed to create a safe and clean drinking water system for the public.
Standard Guide for Use of Coal Combustion Products for Solidification/Stabilization of Inorganic Wastes (ASTM E2060-06(2014))
This particular standard focuses on the often overlooked, non-biological chemicals which can sometimes inhabit wastewater via storm drains and other sources.
If you have a local wastewater system and you are unsure of all of these above standards, let Carter Pump handle it for you. As experts in wastewater treatment, we are sure to be able to provide a solution for you.