What are plunger pumps? Plunger pumps are positive displacement device used for moving a range of different liquids, including those with a relatively high concentration of solid content. For this reason, such pumps are often used for sewage and slurry management processes. However, they are also used in oil extraction. How they work in simple terms is that they utilize a moving plunger in a cylinder, which displaces a fixed volume of liquid in each operating cycle. They are similar to piston pumps, but unlike pistons, they use a solid cylindrical plunger that slides through a high-pressure seal. This unique design is what makes plunger pumps ideal for use in high-pressure applications, for instance, oil extraction.
Plunger Pumps At Work In Oil Extraction
Oil and gas extraction are high-pressure applications, where suction is employed to lift fluids and push them into different chambers for further processing. These fluids are sometimes sensitive, hot, cold, abrasive or toxic, and they may even be flammable or hazardous fluids. Plunger pumps are most popular to be used in this situations, as they are well suited for high-pressure environments.
More often than not, it is best to use special, custom-made plunger pumps to handle this sort of work. Custom plunger pumps are commonly used in the oil and gas industry to pump high-pressure water for crude extraction. They come in all sizes and materials to suit all kinds of unique needs. For example, pumps meant to inject high-pressure water would differ in build and composition from the pumps used to lift crude out of and into treatment chambers. These pumps are also highly versatile, and can be fitted with specialized valves that make them ready for use in corrosive or abrasive environments.
Components Of A Plunger Pump
There are several parts to a plunger pump. The plunger itself is contained by a cylindrical chamber. It is equipped with valves for regulating the flow of liquid. Extension rods, sometimes known as pony rods, are used to help move the piston along the chamber. Each of these parts are crucial for the pump to function properly. Pump valves can be customized for high-speed applications by using materials such as titanium or stainless steel. Pumps can also be designed for accommodating high volumes of fluids, or perform reliably even when there is a lack of fluid at the pump inlet port. Pony rods can be made out of abrasion-resistant materials, and can be customized to fit a particular plunger.
The Right Type Of Plunger Pump
It is important to note that the material of the plunger should be based on the type of fluid being pumped. Ceramic-coated plungers are good for abrasive fluids, but tungsten-carbide plungers protect against wear and tear (though not corrosion). Chrome oxide is used for pumping fluids with little lubrication. Work with a trusted supplier who can guide you through the selection process of the plunger pumps you need for your purposes, such as Carter Pump. With over 75 years of experience in this industry, you can rest assured that you are in good hands. Call us today!